I have been writing and studying alot lately in my ususal blog reading/blog writing time. Hence the lack of new posts. I assure you it has not been for lack of material. In writing and studying I find myself trying to convey with words...what must be experienced.
There are certain things that words cannot adequately describe...
The love I feel when I hear our boys laughing so hard they cannot stand up anymore. (they are both laughers that collapse)
The confidence I feel in my husband and His love for me.
The feeling I get when Tony walks in the door after work. He truly is the highlight of our day. All 3 of us stop what we are doing and literally rejoice in His arrival.
The feeling of blessing at the friends I interact with weekly.
The grace our Lord pours over me daily.
The anxiety and deep love I feel for those I love who have chosen hard paths that have taken them away from relationship with Him.
The joy of friendships that I am separated from by time and distance, yet the love in my heart for these gifts from the Lord remains. I rejoice when I hear good news about them and cry when the news is not good.
The ache in my heart of missing my sister and her children in Benin (and Randy of course).
The joy of watching my dad laugh.
The blessing of watching my mom serve and bless others.
The delight of knowing I will be with my brother and his family next weekend!
The anticipation for all that the Lord has in store for my brother Andy.
The wonder of the Body of Christ in human form.
The awe of holding a new baby.
The angst I feel for those who have sick children/family members.
The peace of knowing He is the Lord and He is faithful.
All of these things fill my heart...All of these things fill my prayers...